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Ø Financial assistance to various minorities through Punjab Bait-ul-Maal.
Ø Holding of regular meetings of Minority Coordination Council at Auqaf Department, Punjab.
Ø Project of construction of Francabad and Shanti Nagar as Model Villages.
Ø Construction of model city for minorities in Nanakana Sahib.
Ø Provision of security for protection of all minority religious places.
Ø Allocation of Rs.10 million for holding ‘Holi’ even of Hindu minorities.
Ø Issuance of marriage certificate for minorities.
Ø Project of repair and renovation of Churches in Punjab.
Ø Project of construction and looking after graveyards and community halsl in Punjab.
Ø Scholarships for minority students.
Ø Allocation of quota for minority students in professional educational institutions.
Ø Regular holding of meeting of minority representatives for promotion of religious harmony and tolerance.
Ø Protection of property of minorities.
Ø Setting up of religious harmony committees.
Ø Setting up of Christian Funds for Christians.
Ø Help of widows, patients and deserving people.
Ø Rupees three million have been allocated for educational scholarship for minority students in the budget during the current fiscal year 2007-08.